That Witch kickstarter project begins
Oh man, oh man. I really hope this works. It has been a life-long dream of mine to write and illustrate children’s books, and this is my very first one. How exciting!
That witch book cover mock up
I originally wrote this story as a first birthday present for my niece, Sophie, during the lockdown. When it finally came in printed, I fell in love with the colors and reading it with my nieces. It all was just so special.
I’d been debating whether or not to publish it, and with me just getting my footing in Not bad design co., it seemed like a poor time to invest in a different project.
And then I made up my mind! I could do a Kickstarter campaign so that I didn’t have to choose.
Campaign page:
It officially goes live at 8 AM on March 30, so keep your fingers and toes crossed that it is a success. I’ll be promoting it an annoyingly large amount up until then.
My real dream is to be able to continue illustrating and writing children’s books, and this campaign will allow me to have the base funds to do just that. I am so, so excited.
If you want to help out, share the campaign link to your Facebook, your Twitter, your Instagram and your stories. Like when I post about it. Make comments to help with my engagement (so more people see it) and help me spread the word. This is only going to be possible because of people like you.
Let’s do this!